Open data in ports – requirement or opportunity?

Writing in “A Hundred New Opportunities for Finland in 2018–2037”, a publication by the Finnish Parliament’s Committee for the Future, futurologists Risto Linturi and Osmo Kuusi argue that transport is the fastest-developing of all sectors. Digitalisation is becoming a reality for the logistics sector, but are ports ready?

This is a fear also expressed by the Finnish Government, which issued a decision in then spring stating that transport hubs such as ports and airports will be required to generate more open data in the future. Open data is essential to digitalisation efforts, which the transport sector will also need to undertake.

Read the blog post in its entirety on the Centrum Balticum site.

Baltic Sea Village at the Kotka Maritime Days Festival

As is now tradition, the Meripäivät Festival brings along with it to Kotka the Baltic Sea Village, which boasts a range of activities for maritime enthusiasts of all ages. This year we will be discussing ways to take better care of the Baltic Sea, including how to make your kitchen more Baltic-friendly. Have you heard of the bay barnacle, round goby, Chinese mitten crab or marenzelleria? What should you do if you notice a member of an introduced species tugging at your fishing hook? With a wealth of information on introduced species, our tent lets you plunge your hand into a vat of “introduced species goo” or take in the artistic products of our drawing contest.

You will find the Village at the North Pier (behind Vellamo).


Opening hours of the Baltic Sea Village:
Thursday 26 July, 6pm to 8pm
Firday 27 July, 10am to 6pm
Saturday 28 July, 10am to 6pm
Sunday 29 July, 10am to 2pm